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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Callow youth reject truth and embrace lies. Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny. They usually outgrow it. Why not all of them?

Callow youth reject truth and embrace lies. Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny. They usually outgrow it. Why not all of them?

When old folks prefer lies to truth and get very hostile and enraged when they are told what they believe is untrue does it SHOCK YOU? Their bodies/brains age physically, grow old but their minds? The thinking process? Never advances beyond that of a child. We let little kids believe in things that are not true. We encourage them to do so. But adults are supposed to know better do better and put aside childish things. Some homo saps are unable to. Do we pity them or revile them? I guess it depends on whether or not they are vaguely entertaining or utter boors. Also how much DAMAGE they do. Those with power use it to do much harm.

How much patience do you have with ADULTS who behave as if they are little children their entire lives? Their belief in Santa Claus Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny continues and they add to that childish mindset complete faith and trust in a compulsive liar whose every action is based on how it will enrich HIM as he screws others and defiles every space he inhabits. The world is falling down around them and still they believe in him. You can't be what you aren't.

Posted - October 16, 2019
