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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What kind of THREAT did the trump make that Erdogan would back down backtrack?

What kind of THREAT did the trump make that Erdogan would back down backtrack?

Erdogan allegedly said he would NOT meet with mike pounce. He would only speak with the trump.

Then ALLEGEDLY the trump makes a phone call and now Erdogan sez he will meet with the US delegation.

What screws did the trump tighten? What did he hold over the Erdogan head to make him put his tail between his legs and roll over for the tweeter twerp twit twitterer trump? One can only imagine.

The trump probably said "for appearance sake let him come into your office. You don't have to talk to him. Just have him come into the room on camera and shut the door. You can sneak out the back door and no one will know you're gone and that mike pounce and possibly mike pompousa** are there alone on their own."

Who can resist an offer like that? Fake it till ya make it or break it.

Posted - October 16, 2019
