Don't most parents encourage their children to tell the truth? If the kids do lie and are caught don't most parents tell their kids it is far better to admit it than to deny it? That makes things much worse?
I expect it was Ivanna who provided that kind of parenting to ivanka donjohnjr and eric. I cannot see them at trump's knee listening to him counseling them on truth telling. I believe they all lie as easily as their dad so maybe Ivanna is a consummate liar too.
The trump may be a "father" but it is certainly in name only. He provided the sperm and his interest in whatever came of it never materialized. I wonder if the trump kids idolize adore respect revere him or are they simply terrified of displeasing him? It's hard to tell from the outside what's going on on the inside.
His "love" for his daughters might probably contains lust as well. I remember an interview his did wherein he was asked about Marla's having given birth to Tiffany. He said something about he hoped she had the same breasts her mother has. Those were not his exact words but they're close enough to breed DISGUST and REVULSION. Don't know if he lusts after his sons in any way.
He has said more than once if ivanka were not his daughter he probably would have dated her. Any of you dads of daughters out there feel that way about your girls or your sons for that matter?