Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Y'all gonna give credit to trump for putting out the fire he started. Right? Why not..what could it hurt...right?

Y'all gonna give credit to trump for putting out the fire he started. Right? Why not..what could it hurt...right?

Posted - October 17, 2019


  • 46117
    This fire cannot be stopped.  Or put out. We have pulled out and Turkey is slaughtering people.  How do we give those people their lives back?  Or their homes?  How is he fixing that?

    I cannot even wish he would die.  Because that will be worse still.  
      October 17, 2019 11:46 AM MDT

  • 113301
    The only "brite bright" side Sharon is that the lapdog toady sycophant who did what they were told are peeling away and telling the truth UNDER OATH. Otherwise the only thing trump accomplished was handing to Putin his heart's desire. America is so much weaker now than bt. Methinks he is finished though. I can hardly wait till he trump blames rudyg for being a rogue agent and rudyg finks on trump. That will be a fun thing. Meanwhile some of our troops are still there in harm's way. They had to watch their friends being slaughtered and were forbidden to do anything. It is an unbelievable nightmae and the mike pounce, mikepompousa** and trump took their celebratory walks as if a great good had been accomplished. It is beyond surreal and the trump knows his time is almost up so he is going to accelerate giving Putin whatever he wants. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)
      October 18, 2019 2:04 AM MDT

  • 7809
    I bet all those slaughtered and beheaded people will appreciate the effort. This post was edited by Zack at October 18, 2019 2:04 AM MDT
      October 17, 2019 11:48 AM MDT

  • 113301
    This "episode" cannot have been more tragic or ghastly or unbelievable or evil. America lost whatever credibility we used to have. Forever? Oh gosh I hope not but then who is going to trust us to keep our word or not turn on them? Putin was handed Ukraine on a silver platter. The trump knows his days are numbered so he will accelerate his rollovers and give Putin whatever he requires. Nancy Pelosi stood up to trump in a meeting, pointed her finger at him and said "all roads lead to Putin" or words to that effect. That photo will become very famous if it hasn't already. Still the trump has his adoring worshippers. Another Answermugger pal said it is because if they abandon him they will be admitting they made a mistake and they cannot do that. Imagine that? Just like trump. Thank you for your reply Zack and Happy Friday! :)
      October 18, 2019 2:09 AM MDT

  • 35005
    So would the left still prefer war with Turkey, Russia, Iran, and Assad????

    Trump did not start the fire.....Turkey and Kurds (PKK terrorist group) did decades (maybe centuries) ago.   Trump moved 50 US soldiers out of the line of that fire. 

    Yes, I am giving President Trump credit for resisting the loud drum beat of war being blasted by members of both parties. 
      October 17, 2019 12:27 PM MDT

  • 46117
    You don't pull out like that.  It has NOTHING to do with anything that the LEFT wants.  He is incompetent.  You don't just DO this stuff to people who depend on you who have fought with you.  He felt it was his RIGHT to be able to do this.  After all, it deflects from his impeachment.  DO NOT TRY this nonsense that if you don't stand with a blazing idiot, you want war with Turkey etc.  WE ARE ALREADY IN A BIG WAR WITH THEM ALL and our allies.  And our allies will never come to our aid again.  THANK YOU. And thank's TRUMP. 

    He killed thousands for no reason  He enabled ISIS.  He is INSANE.  And if you cannot SEE any of this?  
      October 17, 2019 1:30 PM MDT

  • 35005
    We put sanctions on Turkey. We told him not to do it or they sanction will get worse.   We moved 50 soldiers out of the way of thousands......

    Turkey is a NATO ally.....what were we supposed to do? Attack them. 
      October 17, 2019 2:06 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply m2c. I know. You know why? Because if you ever were to abandon trump you will be admitting you screwed up very badly and made a huge mistake. That is what an Answermugger pal told me. There is a condition or situation with a scientific name covering that so it is common. You will never admit you were wrong so that is why you and your like-minded supporters will go down with that ship still supporting him to the end. You cannot and will not abandon him or criticize him because you cannot and will not criticize yourself. I finally get that. I will never understand it but I get it. This post was edited by RosieG at October 18, 2019 2:12 AM MDT
      October 18, 2019 2:12 AM MDT

  • 35005
    I have disagreed with Trump.  At first, I had a problem with Syria withdraw.  But after researching I agreed. I researched info about why were hesitant about the Kurds in the first place. 

    So I ask again, do we attack them? Do we attack Assad or Russia or the Iran or Iraq?  Are we now to police the Syrian civil war?  We had one enemy there....Islamic State and we have defeated them. 

    I do think we should take the prisoners and force the countries to take them.   I do not trust Turkey or the Kurds to keep them in the middle of a war. 
      October 18, 2019 8:41 AM MDT