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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Well mike pounce outdid himself with his bobblehead verbal adoration of his master. It seems that trump has saved the world. ONCE AGAIN?

Well mike pounce outdid himself with his bobblehead verbal adoration of his master. It seems that trump has saved the world. ONCE AGAIN?

Why would the trump dump his perfect bobblehead spokesmouth? Obedient docile adoring. A perfect doormat.

Posted - October 17, 2019


  • 46117
    Trump is using a loser.  What else?  

    Pence has NO clout at all. He is where he is because of TRUMP. HE HAS TO DO WHAT TRUMP SAYS.  It's funny.  Trump needs Pence, but not enough to actually be GOOD to Pence. Pence must toe the line and Trump must toe the line.  Evangelicals are not going to like Pence being thrown to the dogs.  Rudy, no biggie.

    So, let Pence get himself in trouble. TRUMP will not be there for him.  He probably told Pence he will pardon him for anything he needs to do.  Pence must feel really important.  

    Just like Michael Cohen used to feel.  
      October 17, 2019 1:13 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Anyone who expects the trump to be loyal to anyone but himself is crazy. His track record shows that he has never been loyal to anyone for anything if it meant it would affect him negatively in any way. He does not have that gene within to give a sh** about anyone but himself. Would he think twice before throwing his family under the bus? Well they are not movers and shakers independent of him so they are no threat to him. He would grab the last life raft for himself of course. Anyone who believes otherwise is really mindless. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
      October 18, 2019 2:57 AM MDT