Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Homeland Security is living on fumes". It is apparent that homeland security is of zero interest to trump. Didja know?

"Homeland Security is living on fumes". It is apparent that homeland security is of zero interest to trump. Didja know?

He is doing everything in his power to make us LESS SAFE at home and abroad. Aligning with the enemy and turning his back on our former allies and standing by while they are slaughtered and all he has to say is that "the Kurds are no angels"? The Kurds who fought side-by-side with Americans for YEARS and lost over 11,000 of their members to help us take out ISIS? In return for which the trump gives Putin whatever he wants and rolls over for Erdogan and gives Assad a nod and a wink and makes excuses for Kim's continued nuclear testing. How is any of that making America safer?

Posted - October 18, 2019
