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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Writing talking points for a fake prez in a fake gubment is easy. Doesn't have to make any sense at all. Doesn't have to be true. See?

Writing talking points for a fake prez in a fake gubment is easy. Doesn't have to make any sense at all. Doesn't have to be true. See?

You just write down the most banal mediocre standard average typical ordinary words you can think of and then make enough copies to be distributed to all toady sycophants EVERYWHERE so that no matter which channel you are on when one of THEM shows up they will always all sound precisely exactly alike. You heard one you heard them all. They are interchangeable and exactly the same in the dark. Furtive furious incensed enraged infuriated angry irate. All of them all of the time no matter which lie they are convincing you is true and which true they are convincing you is a lie. I guess it pays real good. Any of you interested in being a hack for a fake prez/fake gubment in a fantasyland of despair?

Posted - October 21, 2019
