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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How many mulligans will the tumbleweed cabal et al take in their attempt to erase history and replace it with their version of it?

How many mulligans will the tumbleweed cabal et al take in their attempt to erase history and replace it with their version of it?

Eliminate all traces of President Barack Obama
Replace Russia with Ukraine as having hacked our 2016 election and say it was on behalf of Hillary Clinton
State that the entire Mueller investigation was illegal faulty and without merit so eradicate it
Free all criminals who were charged tried convicted of wrongdoing. Without crime they should not do time
Never question anything tumbleweed says or does. He is never wrong. That means he is always right.
The tumbleweed HATES the Constitution and wipes his a** with it figuratively daily. You must do the same.
The Justice Department is owned and operated by the tumbleweed. He is the sole owner. NEVER QUESTION IT

All you need do to survive is bobblehead your way (up and down..not sideways) through life 24/7. When the tumbleweed speaks smile adoringly and cheer loudly no matter how many times you hear the sameoldsameoldsameold script. HE IS WATCHING YOU. HE IS LISTENING TOO. BE WARNED.

Now whether surviving in a tumbleweed-controlled world is worth it is something you have to decide for yourself. You either rollover and be obedient or you might as well kill yourself because you will be a marked target for extermination elimination. There is no one who can save you. You decide.

Of course you do know that the tumbleweed is a front and all the real control is in the hands of others elsewhere. He is but an instrument of their desire and is used by them as they wish whenever they wish because he is there to service them and them alone. If you like the instrument what does it matter that he is impotent inept and a lapdog puppet operated by others?

Posted - October 22, 2019
