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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Your tax dollars go to programs APPROVED BY CONGRESS, who holds the pursestrings. How do you react when a thief steals funds?

Your tax dollars go to programs APPROVED BY CONGRESS, who holds the pursestrings. How do you react when a thief steals funds?

Stolen funds are always used for despicable purposes. Elsewise the thief wouldn't have to steal them. The funds would have been already APPROVED by Congress PER OUR CONSTITUTION. Funds were STOLEN from the military and from FEMA for the motormouth ego wall. ILLEGALLY.

So you have other funds that were ALREADY APPROVED to be sent to Ukraine and the thief put a hold on them for a selfish illegal vile evil purpose...namely to help him get re-elected prez by faking dirt on an opponent. No one has ever been as desperate as motormouth. Desperation does not usually bode well for the desperate person. So far it  bodes very bigly ungood unwell for motormouth..a thief for many decades before he was installed by a foreign country to be an "acting" prez. SIGH.

Posted - October 23, 2019
