They've thrown rudyg away. So will liddlebillybarr travel worldwide trying his dam*dest to manufacture DIRT on William Taylor? Will the so-called FAKE Secretary of State mike pompousa** support the effort to sabotage and blow up a long-time employee of the United States gubment under both Dem and GOP administrations? Will they fabricate sexual attacks and out-of-wedlock children and charges of theft? How many crimes will they retroactively attribute to William Taylor? How far back? Could he be JACK THE RIPPER? Absurd you say?
All their fabrications are absurd on their surface and the more you dig deep the less is there. This will be no different.
Let the games begin! Take to your corners. Put lead weights in your gloves because well you know...winning "by any means possible" is what motormouth et al and the cabal always do. Cheat to win. Live to cheat. Rise again if you cheat well. SIGH. How many rounds will THIS fight go? Guess!