Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I don't understand the mechanics of CONFESSION. Does the murderer become absolved of guilt after he confesses and does his penance?

I don't understand the mechanics of CONFESSION. Does the murderer become absolved of guilt after he confesses and does his penance?

Does the guilt then rest on the conscience of the priest who does what with it? Ask GOD to pray for the souls of both the murderer and murdered? Is the priest left with any guilt about anything or is he also absolved after he prays to GOD? Where does the victim get justice in this? How many times can a murderer confess a murder to a priest and be absolved? Once a week? Is there a limit to it beyond which a priest may then report it to the authorities? It is a very confusing thing for outsiders to understand. I expect those who grow up with it have no problem with it.

Same thing with deathbed confessions. Are those who say they are very sorry and regret very much the evil they did and seem sincere are they forgiven their sins and go to heaven with a cleansed soul and conscience? What does the priest do with that information? Pray for his soul and then move on to minister to another penitent? It seems like an automatic production line where every part does the same thing every time with the same outcome. Cranking out the "forgiven" ones like sausages encased in animal gut?

Posted - October 23, 2019


  • 35005
    I am not Catholic....I have not idea. 
      October 23, 2019 8:33 AM MDT