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Honey Dew
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » One by one they are all being hoisted to await their fate. Still defiantly obtuse as they swing by the FIGURATIVE noose around their necks?

One by one they are all being hoisted to await their fate. Still defiantly obtuse as they swing by the FIGURATIVE noose around their necks?

One asks how defiance keeps growing as THE DEFIANT ONES are caught, mounted on slides and examined under the microscope. Obliviously unaware of their circumstances. Specimens/smatterings of what tried to be something that MATTERED. They are as clueless as motormouth. He is a specimen too fully examined on a slide under a micrscope by his makers/enablers/facilitators. The only ones who know what is going on are those who observe from afar and pull the strings of the puppet things trapped on glass forever. The specimens have no idea at all.

Posted - October 24, 2019
