Discussion » Questions » Communication » There are far more insulting words that pols have used in prez campaigns than DEPLORABLE. Deplore is relatively/comparatively benign. Did the GOP prez wannabe look up the word or just react?

There are far more insulting words that pols have used in prez campaigns than DEPLORABLE. Deplore is relatively/comparatively benign. Did the GOP prez wannabe look up the word or just react?


To regret deeply or strongly; lament

To disapprove of, censure

To feel or express deep  grief for or in regard to

Synonyms for deplore are bemoan, bewail, mourn

Posted - September 13, 2016


  • 3907

    Hello Rosie:

    Even if she's right, and she is, you don't attack his supporters.  Will it hurt her??  It WILL.  She's not graded on a curve like the Donald.


      September 13, 2016 9:20 AM MDT

  • 113301

    I agree with thee. She lowered herself to the Donald level which is the slime beneath the rock. Oh well. At this point all we can do is watch because what will be will be. Que Sera Sera. Hmmm. That would be a nifty title for song sung by Doris Day! Thank you for your reply excon and Happy Tuesday! :)

      September 13, 2016 9:46 AM MDT