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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The content of the bottle of milk is spoiled. Best to dump it, rinse out the bottle and repurpose it. Sensible thing to do?

The content of the bottle of milk is spoiled. Best to dump it, rinse out the bottle and repurpose it. Sensible thing to do?

To draw a parallel.

The milk (motormouth) was spoiled from day one. The cacophony of defenders of that spoiled milk are now spending all their time attacking the packaging(process) and defending the milk as being good pure healthy maligned. We can smell the stench of the spoiled milk but they insist it is all in our heads. The milk is as pure and innocent as the driven snow and GOD is there alongside them to protect it.

So now until the spoiled milk is discarded that is how they will spend their days. There is no defending the milk*motormouth) so all they can do is attack how it is packaged(the Constitutional right of Congress). That's what caused the adolescent pimply faced hormone driven lustful toady sycophants to break into a closed-door investigation, order pizza and frat boy Animal House their way through it for hours. They even got an "atta boys" tweet of appreciation from the spoiled milk for doing what they did. Expect more of the same. Betcha you can't wait. Me too neither.

Posted - October 25, 2019
