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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Each country should have a PRISON that houses all corrupt politicians! Which country would have the biggest grandest bestest mostest crooks?

Each country should have a PRISON that houses all corrupt politicians! Which country would have the biggest grandest bestest mostest crooks?

I say the US of A. The motormouth gubment alone would be enormously crooked corrupt criminal treasonous traitorous.

That way we could have all the snakes and scum and vermin gathered together to play together pray together conspire together  dine together and supine together and well "have at it" together. Mixed genders of course. Guys and gals, sirs and dames, men and women, males and females. They could musical chairs their time together. Do si do and away we go.

They'd be fed and clothed and housed (incarcerated) for life. The guards would do nothing to prevent them from doing anything they want to one another. Might is right you see.

Where would be the best place to have that enormous prison in YOUR country? In the capital or out in the boonies somewhere?

Posted - October 25, 2019
