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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Someone on TV just referred to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AS "donald trump's america". WHAT IDIOTS BELIEVE THAT?

Someone on TV just referred to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AS "donald trump's america". WHAT IDIOTS BELIEVE THAT?

Like HE** it's his America. That is the biggest lie so far. All those who emigrated here so that their families could have better lives know that is a gawdawful LIE.

All the people who fought and died on foreign battlefields to preserve the union know that is a g-d lie!

All the people that marched for civil liberties and died for their beliefs know that is a lie

The motormouth has exerted whatever effort he is capable of to HARM SABOTAGE CRIPPLE HOBBLE our country. He has given it freely to all our enemies and he has cut off our allies. He does this to this very day in every way he can. He knows his days are numbered so he is doubling up on the traitoring and treasoning to get it all done before he is spayed neutered cauterized.

Posted - October 25, 2019
