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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Boys will be boys! Congressional boys created PIZZAGATE to bump and grind music. The GOP Senate will follow suit. How?

Boys will be boys! Congressional boys created PIZZAGATE to bump and grind music. The GOP Senate will follow suit. How?

The ever obsequious toady sycophant Lindsay Graham authored a stinging attack on Congress doing its Constitutionally required job of impeachment inquiry. At last count he got 46 dam* fool GOP Senators to sign on to it.

So ya gotchure House GOP toadies PIZZAGATING like drunk skunk adolescents and now ya gotchure Supremely Auspicious GOP Senate obsequious toady sycophants protesting the Congressional investigation/inquiry into impeachment.

Don'tcha just love it to bits an pieces? What class. What savoir faire. What je ne sais qoi. What noblesse oblige! What awe ahh ahh! No wonder they got where they got. Class acts like that alway rise and shine fine.

What next? Will the Congressional GOP adolescents band together with old school GOP Senators and perform a minstrel show? Boy I bet you can hardly wait to see what's next on their plate. Me too neither. What fools these mortals be in the GOP. Puck said it. Trust me on that. I will never lie to you. That I can tell you. Everyone says so. The profoundly wise extremely stable genius is on board with that bigly.So help me GOD!

Posted - October 25, 2019
