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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Any nightmare is far preferable to the daymares we are currently experiencing. Are you aware of the latest one?

Any nightmare is far preferable to the daymares we are currently experiencing. Are you aware of the latest one?

The fake AG liddlebillybarr was/is traveling worldwide to engage various foreign countries in proving that the investigation into Russia meddling in the 2016 election never should have taken place. Why? Because Russia was never involved. The conspiracy theory today? That the Dems concocted this all up to win the election. That it was never Russia at all.

So motormouth ordered the fake AG (his lapdog puppet in charge of JUSTICE) to find "proof" so that all the people involved in the investigation will be brought up on charges of traitorhood and treasonship and will be dealt with forthwith. Prison of course if not being given the death penalty! You think I am joking right? I am not. The motormouth is so obsessed with proving he was not installed as prez due to Russian election meddling he will do anything corrupt anyone murder anyone who gets in his way. He has to. He has no choice. His insane obsession is driving him to this end and he has many passengers willing to play along with him.

So all the players that were involved in the Russian 2016 American prez election meddling investigation are now in the crosshairs of the motormouth obsession. Prove them to be traitors. Prove them to have committed treason. Shoot them. Destroy them. Malign them. Crush them. Eliminate them. Make them pay.

So the daymare continues. How many bazillion dollars are we spending shipping the fake AG all over the world on such a quest as this? THEY ARE DEADLY SERIOUS! Their prodon peeps support them! Every day in every way things are getting deadlier and eviler. What the pols like Lindsay Graham used to ESPOUSE when the shoe was on the other foot they now DECRY. My oh my. Sigh. WHY?

Posted - October 26, 2019
