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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Fake phony reverence for symbols when you don't revere what they represent is the what we have in prodons. WHY?

Fake phony reverence for symbols when you don't revere what they represent is the what we have in prodons. WHY?

Here's why.

Betcha every one of them HATE anyone who "takes a knee" during the national anthem or flag salute. Know anyone prodon who supports those who "take a knee":? Of course you don't. They don't exist!

YET they all support the motormouth who is singlehandedly trashing tearing ripping dirtying what the fla\g and national anthem represent. They do not see the irony in that. They are incapable of thinking about anything but servicing motormouth every which way they can. Robotic automatic unquestioning 24/7.

They are either obtusely unaware of their duplicity and hypocrisy or they are aware and don't give a sh** about it.

Either way why do they stay in a country they hold in such little regard? Putting the demands of a traitorous madman above their country every minute of every day and they do it with no remorse of course. What are they exactly? Why are they? Who(m) are they?   Why don't they just go away to another country and leave us alone? Take their motormouth and his rallies and toady sycophants with them. Russia will greet all of you with open arms. Of course if that were to occur then motormouth would be of no value to Putin or anyone. I doubt he'd even be let into the country. He is persona non grata everywhere including the United States of America. No one wants him except his prodon base. No one wamts them either.

Posted - October 26, 2019
