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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What sane parent would demand that their children do LESS than they can? What sane president would INSIST people do LESS THAN THEIR BEST?

What sane parent would demand that their children do LESS than they can? What sane president would INSIST people do LESS THAN THEIR BEST?

What would be the motive of insisting everyone DUMB DOWN? Your kid is capable of making A's and you demand he make only C's! Ludicrous absurd ridikkalus nuts, right?

So okay. The manufacturers in your country are capable of producing CLEANER AIR by sticking to requirements on Emissions from cars and smoke and all the crap attendant thereto.

You remove the laws that require their best and replace them with laws that reduce relax widen strethch dilute. How do you LOGICALLY justify that? The motormouth is in a constant quest to reduce relax stretch ignore widen dilute destroy. What is his game? Weakening America to be easier pickings for RUSSIA? Is that it? The stinkier our air the sicker our people the weaker they are to fight evil? Is he smart enough to pursue any plan or is everything with him spontaneous adlib loosygoosy? Is he naturally a destroyer of all things good or does he have to work at it?

Posted - October 26, 2019
