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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Not caring about the SECURITY of your country is bad enough. But attacking undermining sabotaging those whose job it is to provide it?

Not caring about the SECURITY of your country is bad enough. But attacking undermining sabotaging those whose job it is to provide it?

That is surely insanity.

That's like boxing in cops and investigating all of them not just the bad-apple cops.

The more successful they've been at protecting the cities they serve the more you attack them malign them undercut them insult them investigate them set them up and lie about them.

If that makes sense to you read no further.

If it doesn't what the he** are we gonna do about it?

Now the traitorous treasonous lapdogpuppet fake AG who services and rolls over for trump is engaged in investigating the people who were involved it PROVING Russian interference and meddling in our election. He will have none of it. He is on a self-righteous vendetta to "get to the bottom of it" destroying the government institution he heads. Isn't that a swell mess? We waste bajillions of dollars on trump and his cabal et al who work hard at having us fail. Is that what y'all do with your budget? Spend it on poison and harmful things to take YOU out? Of course not. Why do we put up with it in our gubment? That is exactly how they are using your tax dollars To take you out. You like?

Posted - October 26, 2019
