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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Pete Souza, former WH photographer for Presidents Reagan and Obama sez the Situation Room photo of the unfolding Baghdad was staged! OH?

Pete Souza, former WH photographer for Presidents Reagan and Obama sez the Situation Room photo of the unfolding Baghdad was staged! OH?

Did Pete actually say it definitively or just suggest that it could have been might have been probably was?

You mean the Reality Show we've been watching since January 2017 is FAKE PHONY NOT REAL?

Oh know. Oh no. Oh noh! Say it ain't so Joe.

Apparently there is some discrepancy in the time of the photo and the time of the raid.

It is suggested that at 3:33 pm Washington Time the motormouth might actually have been playing golf.

That the photo was faked to complete with the photo of President Obama and HIS cabinet watching the bin Laden raid.

I dunno what's true but I'll ya everything so far about the motormouth is phony fake so why not a staged photo of a supposed raid?

Also there is some wondering about wheher Baghdadi actually is dead. I dunno that either. Stay tuned. More to come. More deaths and victory laps by motormouth are in store and each time he will bring up the man he is most envious of and attack insult him. President Barack Obama is on the back and on the mind and in the "heart" and in the "soul" of motormouth every second and will never leave. Motormougth is obsessed with outdoing President Obama 24/7. Sheesh. A FOOL'S errand if there ever there were one.

Posted - October 28, 2019
