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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If you needed any proof that motormouth is chickensh** I give you the DAILY PRESS BRIEFINGS that don't exist on his watch. WHY?

If you needed any proof that motormouth is chickensh** I give you the DAILY PRESS BRIEFINGS that don't exist on his watch. WHY?

I'll tell ya why. The original motormouth spokesmouth Sean Spicer lied every day. He was really inept but he wasn't an a** who looked down on reporters and insulted them daily like the next "press secretary" did. The Sean of Spice was replaced by Sarah Huckabee Sanders who lied every day in her singular condescending arrogant supercilious way. She stopped holding the daily press briefings because the reporters were so mean to her asking questions she didn't like every day. Her replacement, Stephanie Grisham, HAS NEVER HELD A PRESS BRIEFING. How do we know she is a real person and not a figment a cipher a hologram? Have you ever seen her?

This white house lies daily hourly minutely. Journalists/reporters have a job to do. ASK QUESTIONS. Usta be the white house would try to answer them as best they could but never before has an entire administration conspired together to lie lie lie lie lie lie lie. Now reporters/journalists don't take kindly to liars and call them out.

Well the white house motormouth press folks couldn't take the heat so they left the kitchen. Chickens. BAWK BAWK BAWK BAWK BAWK.

What does Stephanie Grisham do if she does in fact exist? What does a press secretary do who DOES NOT HOLD DAILY PRESS BRIEFINGS? Sit on her a** eating chocolates getting her teeth rotted and gaining weight and bobbleheading while at her desk in the presence of motormouth? That's an easy gig. What does she get paid for doing nothing but sitting and pigging out?

Posted - October 28, 2019
