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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It is definitely an inequity. The wealthy buy their kids' way into college. Either by huge donations or cheating. The poor?

It is definitely an inequity. The wealthy buy their kids' way into college. Either by huge donations or cheating. The poor?

They will work 3-4 jobs to save up money to help their kids go to college. The kids will take out huge loans and work to have a chance at an education on the UP AND UP. No cheating. All they want is a chance.

I understand that being wealthy has its perks. Expensive multiple homes and cars and vacations. Not a problem. Fancy name-brand clothes and high-priced jewelry. Not a problem. What is?

I think being poor should not rob you of an education or medical treatment. Do you agree or dis?

It seems to me that a society where people become billionaires in multiples ought to be able to afford to educate their kids and keep them healthy. ALL kids. Not just the privileged ones.

What do YOU think? Why?

Posted - October 29, 2019
