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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Joe Biden sez to motormouth "be a straight guy. Release your tax returns". Not gonna happen. Motormouth was born pretzelized. Didja know?

Joe Biden sez to motormouth "be a straight guy. Release your tax returns". Not gonna happen. Motormouth was born pretzelized. Didja know?

Posted - October 29, 2019


  • 46117
    Another mugger posted a site on the wheel bug.  They lay their eggs in the anus' of animals and the eggs hatch and the bugs spread throughout the organs of the animal like the parasites they are.

    I think Trump was born this way.  In the anus of some animal.  Then he was expelled and is infecting the entire world.  He is the WHeel Bug of the World.


    Donald Trump and Other Animals

    Credit...Tim Enthoven

    I once interviewed Donald Trump for a magazine story. The topic was rivalries, which seemed like a natural for him. But he was so bombastically short on specifics, so braggadociously vague, that in the end there was nothing to quote. I left him out of the story.

    So I was surprised recently to learn, by way of an article in The New Yorker, that Mr. Trump had, in fact, quoted me in a passage from his 2004 book “Trump: Think Like a Billionaire.” I would not have imagined that I had ever written anything he would want to quote.

    It’s true that I had written about him in my book, “The Natural History of the Rich: A Field Guide,” published in 2002, but there was nothing remotely flattering there, as a glance at the index seemed to confirm:


    Trump, Donald

    hangingflies, compared to, 16

    inherited wealth and, 266

    intimidating eyebrows of, 87

    Maples’s rating of, 248

    multistory erections of, 94

    reproductive asset management of, 225

    The book was a work of tongue-in-cheek sociology, based partly on the premise that rich people often act like animals in the wild. But as I flipped through the references to Mr. Trump, it dawned on me that my animal analogies had been far too modest.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at October 30, 2019 6:58 AM MDT
      October 29, 2019 9:14 AM MDT

  • 113301
    The porcine swine sees/hears only what he wants. Everything else is filtered out and when nothing is left he makes up stuff. In other words he lies 24/7. Sheesh. Until I think of something else I'm sticking with porcine swine. I can't think of a better example. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
      October 30, 2019 7:16 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Donald Trump probably came from the anus of this animal.  The anus does not fall far from the pig.

    A Donald Trump pig statue in a gallery
      October 29, 2019 1:14 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Geez Sharon that's a new one on me but I gotta tell ya it talks to me bigly! Thank you for sharing it and the nifty graphic. Get the ball rolling. It's all down hill. Imagine what the late-night comedians are gonna be doing to motormouth for decades to come? The butt of many jokes. Forever after. Boy I can hardly wait. This post was edited by RosieG at October 29, 2019 1:58 PM MDT
      October 29, 2019 1:57 PM MDT