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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Yuo can't serve two masters. I think religions are doomed and corruption is on the rise and will become the new "god". Why?

Yuo can't serve two masters. I think religions are doomed and corruption is on the rise and will become the new "god". Why?

Well because.

It is obvious that people are loving the corrupt leaders of the world and defending them and protecting them and supporting them. Yes they still attend their places of worship but with hate in their hearts for "the other" how serious are they about it? They go through the motions but their passion lies not in serving GOD but in servicing despot dictators. You can't serve two masters. You cannot worship the devil and any GOD simultaneously. It's one or the other and it is apparent to me which y'all have chosen.

I ask why would you support a devil-based satan-based evil-based anything or anyone? What do you say?

Posted - October 31, 2019
