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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » As long as you SLOGANIZE a campaign that's all ya gotta do. You NEVER have to come through with anything but the slogan. Didja know?

As long as you SLOGANIZE a campaign that's all ya gotta do. You NEVER have to come through with anything but the slogan. Didja know?

A chicken in every pot
Hell no I won't go
Don't ask what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country
make america great again
lock her up
send her back
build the wall
everyone says so
i don't lie
trust in me
i believe him
we are friends
i trust him
he's the best
he's the worst

don't believe what you see or hear. That is not what is happening.
only i can fix it
my generals
my way or the highway
never criticize me
never disagree with me
never tell on me
never disobey me
always protect me
always support me
always believe me
i am an extremely stable genius
i am profoundly wise

Posted - October 31, 2019
