Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Anyone ever save his a** by tweeting 24/7? That's the MO of motormouth. Gubment by tweet. National Security be dam*ed! Will he pull it off?
This is going to be his demise. His TWEETING and incessant nausea. He seriously thinks we want to hear it. I doubt if even MY 2 reads that crap that he calls thinking.
Are you pissed at me again ROSIE? No you are not. I came back on here to explain why I thought that. I explained it. In the other question. So, I am relieved.
We're good honey. But do me a favor and TELL ME if something is bothering you. I will always be honest with you. I'll you if I'm ticked off. I always do. But you can't assess a situation unless you are provided with some information. I just told you what's going with me vis a vis m2c. That will explain the past the present and future. Thank you for your reply! :)