The embodiment of SATAN lives and breathes in America. DEVIL/SATAN is in charge. DEVIL/SATAN is calling all the shots. Has for years in Russia/Putin. Since January 2017 lives and breathes in America and is out to destroy anything that gets in the way.
Sadly the adoring worshippers of SATAN/DEVIL don't mind attacking those who call it out, tell it like it is, refuse to remain silent or be bullied.
Has the throng of SATAN/DEVIL worshippers grown smaller or larger since January 2017? I don't know. But whatever happens to SATAN/DEVIL living in the obese body of motormouth will also befall the adoring worshippers thereof. Fair is fair.
You make your bed you lie in it. When you lie down with dogs you get fleas. When you lie down with the devil? I dunno but we are watching it and hearing it and fighting the result of it. How much longer? It doesn't matter. We the people HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO FIGHT THE DEVIL/SATAN. Until HE GOES or we die. That's the bottom line. That's the name of that tune. An historic struggle between GOOD and EVIL. To the ends of time. Or infinity and beyond.