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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Pay no attention to what "they" say. Only pay attention to what they do. DO YOU?

Pay no attention to what "they" say. Only pay attention to what they do. DO YOU?

The motormouth SEZ a buncha stuff he doesn't do and he does a buncha stuff behind our backs that he HATES having us find out about.

Why d'ya s'pose that is? Why d'ya s'pose he has a humongous network of traitor-prone toady sycopants doing his bidding all over the world? Because he is TERRIFIED of being honest and open and above-board that's why. How many doofus dumbheads are involved with him in lying for and protecting him and lying out and attacking those he desperate fears? Hundreds? I wonder what kind of end will be inevitable for all of them? Whatcha think? A visit to or stay in forever Dante's Inferno perhaps? What level?

Posted - November 1, 2019
