Whaddabout if all NRA ossified ossifers and their families were gunned down deader'n doornails
Would anyone do anything then?
If every Republican pol in the House of Representative and Mitch McConnell and all his Republican cohorts in the Senate were all gunned down deader n' doornails. Anyone care? Anyone do anything about it then?
How about if all gun manufacturers and all gun shop owners and all those who attend gun shows were gunned down deader n' doornails? Would it get anyone's attention?
I just wonder where the tipping point is. Babies and toddlers and teens and adults and old folks being gunned down deader n' doornails don't count for nuthin' nohow no way nowhere so far.
Whaddabout if every NRA member and family is gunned down deader n' doornails? Or an entire country or an entire continent? At what point does life matter enough to try to protect slaughter of innocents? ONE BILLION ONE MILLION ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED ONE? No number is big enough to matter enough to stop the massacres and the slaughters?