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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » After all this time you'd think I'd have adjusted to hearing all his lies at rallies and impromptu press conferences. You'd think so, right?

After all this time you'd think I'd have adjusted to hearing all his lies at rallies and impromptu press conferences. You'd think so, right?

You'd be wrong. Each time it rankles more and more and more and more and more. The building of rankling is  getting so big that now when he speaks and I mute him I wish silence to be thrust upon him. One day if he should just have a stroke big enough to incapacitate him. I will not grieve. I don't condone any unnatural act by anyone. I hope his brain farts or just has a hiccup and he is sidelined the rest of his life by "natural causes". Aphasia would be okay too. That's where he thinks he is saying words others understand but they all come out as gibberish. My stepdad was in a terrible accident and was afflicted with Aphasia. He'd chatter away a mile a minute and only my mom understood what he said. The motormouth can live to his triple digits if his health holds. Don't want to take him out. Just want to shut him up from here to eternity futurely. I've heard enough from him to last many lifetimes. Aphasia will do the trick and he won't be harmed by it. What could be perfecter than that? He is a big fan of PERFECT after all.

Posted - November 2, 2019
