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Discussion » Questions » Family » We've had face transplants and other body parts. Will there be DNA transplants one day to manufacture perfect kids? A scifi fantasy or are there research labs for the wealthy already working on it?

We've had face transplants and other body parts. Will there be DNA transplants one day to manufacture perfect kids? A scifi fantasy or are there research labs for the wealthy already working on it?

Would you like a perfect child?  You would have a variety of menus from which to choose the attributes/traits/characteristcs/talents to order. What might your ideal child be like?

Posted - September 14, 2016


  • 3907

    Hello Rosie:

    One day???  Much of today's medicine is based on DNA manipulation..     Can we clone people yet??  I'm sure we can.  But, that's another issue.


      September 14, 2016 10:37 AM MDT

  • 113301

    We have cloned goats I think. So the wealthy can order designer children? Ah Brave New World! Thank you for your reply excon! :)

      September 15, 2016 3:33 AM MDT

  • 3719
    I do not know if DNA manipulation in that fashion is possible, at least in theory, but the idea of selective breeding is by no means new.

    Although the molecular biology of reproduction was not known in the 1920s and 30s, the idea of selectively breeding humans was called "Eugenics" at the time, and we have Adolf Hitler to thank in a warped way for showing its basic inhumanity. He thought Aryans some sort of "master race" that could be expanded by such breeding. ('Aryan' was a genuine race name until Hitler's abuse of it meant it fell from favour, and its became supplanted by words like "Caucasian" for the NW European race, and "Nordic" as a description fairly typical of those from Scandinavia.) This post was edited by Durdle at October 2, 2016 4:06 AM MDT
      October 2, 2016 3:52 AM MDT

  • Already happened Rosie.  Three-parent babies are going to become fairly common, mostly to splice DNA in order to remove/reduce chances of a genetic abnormality where it is known to be a potential issue.  At least, that is my understanding, but these may shed more light on it.  :)
      October 2, 2016 5:09 AM MDT