I think it is very stupid to keep talking and making things worse for yourself. A less stupid person would remain silent and quiet and not give the opposition ammunition with which to attack him.
Silence would have protected him from a multiplicity of misfortunes including investigation for conspiracy collusion treason. Silence and quiet and no backdoor conniving and no front and center bragging and demanding and insisting and threatening and intimidating and strongarming and extorting and quid pro quoing.
All he had to do was shut up. But he cannot do that and so where he is today is ENTIRELY his own doing. Does he stop? No he keeps talking and making things worse for himself every day. Now that is not a thing an INTELLIGENT person would do. It is a thing a very stupid person does. Like trying to mug someone in front of the police station or leaving your wallet behind a place you robbed or sticking up an undercover cop. There are many stupid dumbs out and about and motormouth is among them. In my opinion. I have no idea what you consider to be intelligent or stupid. I've given you mine. And the beat goes on. Dumb da dumb dumb!