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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You refuse to accept you are a stone cold LOSER. You refuse to accept your opponent is a WINNER. How is it possible?

You refuse to accept you are a stone cold LOSER. You refuse to accept your opponent is a WINNER. How is it possible?

Create your own world of unreality and insist all who enter it accept it too and once inside you NEVER leave. No matter how delusional it is.

That's what motormouth and his merry men/women do daily. They never will dare to leave their world of delusion.

If you ever saw the movie Shangri La remember what happened to the beautiful young girl who left there? That is what will happen to them too should they ever step foot outside their safe zone. So they don't.

That's how it's done.

They have their very own zone of delusion via FAUX NEWS. What more do they need to feel triumphant and victorious every minute of every day.

Posted - November 3, 2019
