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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The profoundly wise genius motormouth sez written answers aren't good enough for the Whistleblower! He gave Mueller written answers. IDIOT?

The profoundly wise genius motormouth sez written answers aren't good enough for the Whistleblower! He gave Mueller written answers. IDIOT?

The president is NOT ABOVE THE LAW. He gives written answers to Mueller because his lawyers don't dare allow him to testify under oath in person because he is a compulsive liar.

Written answers wuz swell as he** for him to give Mueller

but bad as he** for anyone else to do likewise? That is ILLOGICAL. For y'all who insist motormouth is not stupid dumb I give you this example. Now you may think that was a perfect reply for a profoundly wise extremely stable genius. How long ago were you tested to make sure YOU have no screws loose?

Posted - November 4, 2019
