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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly at least half of all the tweets the motormouth twit has tweeted were an ATTACK on someone or something. Wasn't it 100%?

Allegedly at least half of all the tweets the motormouth twit has tweeted were an ATTACK on someone or something. Wasn't it 100%?

He kises his own a** all the time and also the a**es of Putin and other strongarm strongmen butcher beheader dismemberer despot dictators corrupt criminal crooks. So that would be not attacking. Okay. I can see that would be. 50% kisses a**..his or someone else's and 50% attacks insults denigrates desecrates eviscerates excoriates his hated rivals enemies competitors disagreers. I guess that's about right.

Posted - November 4, 2019
