Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We will deserve whatever happens at the polls in November 2020. So with that in mind if you can sleep at night after you vote Okay! Right?

We will deserve whatever happens at the polls in November 2020. So with that in mind if you can sleep at night after you vote Okay! Right?

Posted - November 4, 2019


  • 10786
    Around 20%-25% of eligible voters won't vote (for one reason or another).
    Over 70% of those who do vote will either vote party lines, or they'll let to another person's opinion persuade their vote (meaning they won't look into who/what they're voting for).
    Half of the country thinks the other half are a bunch of idiots (politically speaking).  trump's either a god or the devil himself.
    No matter who wins, a majority of the idiots who are already (house, senate) there will still be there... doing nothing but bickering and looking out for their own self interests.
    No matter who wins - despite their lofty promises - the poor will continue to get poorer and the rich will continue to get richer.  
    No matter which propositions win, the losers will contest the results and get it overturned (bleeding heart judges abound).
    No matter the outcome, over the following 4 years the winners will gloat and the losers will bellyache.  
      November 4, 2019 12:00 PM MST

  • 113301
    AARRGGHH! You put it like that Shuhak we lose whatever we do or don't do. Why bother if the endgame is always and foreverly gonna be remaining the same? Dog & Pony show for appearances only? No meaning no value no purpose no gain? Sheesh. Thank you for telling it like it is. We vote by mail and will continue to so do. Whether it matters or not. Some old dogs can do new tricks. T'is true. They also can keep doing the same tricks they've always done. Ambidextrous. :)
      November 5, 2019 3:30 AM MST