Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Motormouth threatens to pull aid from California. Anything to destroy us. He lusts after Californians BIGLY! Crackpot eh wot?
Me too Sharon. My poor Jim blocks his ears when sh**head shows up on the screen. I rush to mute him and then I let out language a drunken sailor would be embarrassed by. I used to shock myself but now he** he is worth every VILE word I can think of. Us old folks still got game. Everyone says so! Thank you for your reply! :)
He feels threatened by anyone or anything that is not for him. Since California is always opposing his stupidity he considers them his enemy. Therefore he wants to punish us until we "get back in line". Thankfully California has enough clout to tell him where to go and how to get there (using small words so he can understand).
He has a vendetta and his goal is to crap up our environment in every way possible. EPA standards gone. He fights the auto companies who made a deal with Guv Newsome to keep auto emissions at a tougher level than motormouth wants. He is vile evil and hateful. May his soul rust in he** or wherever GOD puts him. SIGH. Apologies. But my hatred for motormouth grows each day. Not good for me. Does no good for anyone. I vent. Or explode. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy almost Tuesday! :)