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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » When you receive precisely what you said you wanted do you complain about it? The GOP wanted TRANSPARENCY. They got it. Why the bit**ing?

When you receive precisely what you said you wanted do you complain about it? The GOP wanted TRANSPARENCY. They got it. Why the bit**ing?

Did they not know what they wanted? What did they think they were gonna get when they bitched about secrecy and closed door meetings?

They're gonna get a butt load of open hearing and testifying UNDER oath and they're getting TRANSCRIPTS of those who testified UNDER OATH behind closed doors. Wouldja believe they are STILL BITCHING like little spoiled brats? What is it they want that they don't know how to ask for so they keep getting it wrong? Do they even know? Any brain out there in the collective body of toady sycophants supporting the BANE of America? Anyone anywhere have a clue?

Posted - November 5, 2019
