Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Now is the time for all good women and men to come to the aid of their COUNTRY. Are YOU a good person or a political?
Whew! Thanks for showing up! You had me worried m2c. You're usually here earlier than this. Everything OK on your end? Today we go to Walmart so I'll letcha know about the Kernal. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday to thee! :)
I did and told you about it on another thread a few minutes ago! Thanks again. I love trying new stuff. I tend to get in ruts cooking-wise but when I have something new to play with I'm like a kid at Christmas! Happy Wednesday to thee m2c! :)
present and accounted for. What does America want from me? Does America want me to pretend Trump is great? WELL THEN SCREW AMERICA AND THE HORSE IT RODE IN ON.
I'm a little confused here Sharon. Not sure how this response relates to my question. Do you support your country or your political quagmire be it Democratic or Independent? Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday to thy.