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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Save your own a** or try to save the a** of the guy you're covering for? Which wouldja do?

Save your own a** or try to save the a** of the guy you're covering for? Which wouldja do?

Didja know that Gordon Sondland who already testified under oath about the Ukraine quid pro quo

CORRECTED HIS TESTIMONY after transcripts were released of others involved in the scandalous illegal corrupt mess? Yes. He said he "remembered" that he had in fact talked to someone about the quid pro quo.

Ya see when all the others testimonies supported one another his stood out like a big fat LIE.

Well because it was.

So he testified once again UNDER OATH and "remembered" aloud. Now how does motormouth revenge himself on Sondland? Have him executed on a new reality show titled "Who just pissed off motormouth"?

You know motormouth will not take that lying down. He will now smear target attack insult demean denigrate deprecate vilify crucity excoriate Gordon. So will all his toady sycophant bobbleheads. Just watch. Just wait. It otta be so great.

Any bets how he plans to kill Sondland?

Posted - November 5, 2019
