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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The mike of pompousa** is in a big lot of trouble. CAUGHT LYING. My oh my. Also the fake AG liddlebillybarr who rolls over for anyone. AND?

The mike of pompousa** is in a big lot of trouble. CAUGHT LYING. My oh my. Also the fake AG liddlebillybarr who rolls over for anyone. AND?

The rudyg is already being microscoped from head to butt for his nefarious "deep state shadow state' second-rate corrupting and criminalizing and disrupting the way things work with the blessing and under the direct order of the motormouth.

So all 3 are in BIG JEOPARDY having sacrificed themselves for the biggest motorbutt in American history. The THREE MUSKETEERS and D'ARTAGNAN? Swordsmen all and very electrifying and dynamic and energetic and interesting. In fantasy on paper or on the screen. In real life what we got is not any of the above.

The deadly 4 in American gubment are 4 old white men with no honor integrity or morals rolling over and jumping through hoopty loops for a corrupt treasonous lapdog puppet of PutinRussia. What a loverly picture that is. Your bugment gubment. The one you voted for and keep defending. Keep er up. It looks good on y'all. Really. No the dress does not make you look fat. You ARE fat.

Posted - November 6, 2019
