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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » When you dine on junk food you get fat sick and lazy. When you dine on junk ideology guess what happens to the brain?

When you dine on junk food you get fat sick and lazy. When you dine on junk ideology guess what happens to the brain?

Junk in junk out. Poison in poison out. Crap in crap out.
Computers and homo saps are identical in that regard with one caveat

The computer has no control over the programming.

A homo sap has total control over what he/she intakes and expels.

The computer is not a sentient being

Neither are most homo saps sad to say. They are housings for the vile programming of others. And that what they disseminate 24/7.

It is what it is. Will it ever change? I dunno. That I can tell you. Everyone says so.

Posted - November 6, 2019
