In all of recorded history when did so many dozens hundreds thousands of blokes spend their effort in trying to save the corpulent a** of one homo sap? Never that's when.
Every time another stone(scandal) is turned over dozens more of them crawl out from under all covered in slime and scum and do their dam*dest to protect that same fat a**. Every day they do the same thing with the same goal and the same wish and the same prayer. PROTECT HIS A** or else the world will end!
It's too big to film. Too many volumes to record. We are living in this history like it or not. One man's a** is that precious apparently to so very many.
You'd think that his paricular a** were special. The second son of GOD? Whatever. His Royal HIGHNA** struts about taking whatever he wants whenever he wants however he wants hacking and slaying whatever whomever gets in his way. He can rest assured they've got his a**! Sheeesh.
It won't write up so hot on a resume.
"The last job I had was protecting the a** of a scumbag corrupt impeachable politician".
How many employers are gonna want that homo sap working for them?