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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Here another worry. With liddlebillybarr doing the bidding of the motormouth what's to stop the motormouth from doing the following?

Here another worry. With liddlebillybarr doing the bidding of the motormouth what's to stop the motormouth from doing the following?

Delete all Democrats from all voter rolls in every state

Black out all media except for the one gubment-approved sanctioned TV station whose script is preapproved by the mouth. Same with radio. Only programs pre-approved by the mouth may be aired legally.

End all print media and only allow publication of motormouth-approved anything. Books plays movies. The written word will be tightly controlled by the mouth. His initials will have to be on every single page of every single thing to be published. Punishable by life-time imprisonment or death depending upon the mood of the mouth.

To take this a step further. All goods sold must bear the name of the motormouth brand.

Anything and everything anyone buys must bear the brand name because that is the only products that will be legal to purchase. Breaking that immutable law is punishable by life in solitary confinement or death.

What else do we look forward to with glee and joy and happy hearts? I gave my possibilities. It's your turn now. What else do you foresee our being confronted with in such a world owned and opeerated by motormouth cabal et al?

Posted - November 7, 2019
