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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Backed in a corner and TERRIFIED we see what all these motormouth toady sycophants are capable of. Did you know how low they would ALL GO?

Backed in a corner and TERRIFIED we see what all these motormouth toady sycophants are capable of. Did you know how low they would ALL GO?

They are all erratic frantic terrified and scratching their claws/talons to grab onto something anything everything.

The more they grab scratch claw they lower and faster they descend. The essence of a man/woman. Not when everything is going his/her way but when it's not. That's when the mask comes off and the weapons come out and the real is exposed. Not a pretty sight. All scrappy frantic fighting furiously to gain control of what exactly?

What is is and what is coming is coming and what will be will be. Nothing they do or say will stop it. Meanwhile we watch in horror to see the paint and gilt chipping off. We thought they were homo saps but in fact they are revealed to be "the other". An alien life form that took the shape of homo saps to infiltrate. Too awful to look at directly.

Posted - November 7, 2019
