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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What's the most expensive thing (excluding car or home) that you ever bought for yourself? Did you/do love it? Still have it?

What's the most expensive thing (excluding car or home) that you ever bought for yourself? Did you/do love it? Still have it?

At the Cabazon, California Desert Hills outlet mall about 30 years ago I bought a Movado watch for $500. It was a $1000 watch. The museum watch. It is in some museum somewhere. I love it. I still have it. I treasure it. I think it is the most beautiful watch I've ever seen and I OWN IT!

Posted - November 7, 2019


  • 46117
    No.  I don't get very attached to physical objects.  I love the temprariness of things.  I get bored easily with the same.  There is music I listen to over and over that will always bring me joy.  There are books I can re-read over and over again.  Still love them. I even throw my artwork out after I spend a lot of time on.  I look at them years later and see the flaws and the space I am taking with them and throw them out or give them away if I can find someone who cares enough to take them.  So, everything gets in the way for me after awhile.  I love to decorate and I love beauty and I am totally understanding of other's keeping things of value and taking care of them as treasures and passing them down.  I get that.  It's wonderful.  It is just not me.  

    I love nice things in the moment and when I move on in my path so do they move on.  Yes. I am weird.
      November 7, 2019 9:12 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Sharon and Happy Friday! :)
      November 8, 2019 6:15 AM MST

  • 10787

    I don't like things and rarely spend money on myself.  

    Would you count my first computer? - 286 with 5” floppy drive (better that cassette tape), a massive 2mb hard drive (salesman said I’d never be able to fill it up), and a 64k ROM (top if the line!) … and I still have it out in my shed! (the thing weighs 24 pounds)

     If not, then it’d have to be a weather station.  It cost me around $500.  Yes, I still have it (some 10 years later).  In fact, it’s sitting 4 feet from me.  Yes, I love it!  Meteorology is my hobby.

      November 7, 2019 1:28 PM MST

  • 113301
    Besides the watch I adore my Le Creuset cookware. It is very expensive and I would never buy it retail. But I spent hundreds of dollars at Cabazon at the Le Creuset outlet over a few months when they were running sales on the already discounted items and what I have is worth many thousands of dollars. It will never break or wear out. Funny thing is none of what I bought was chipped or discolored or a "second". I lucked out and I'm so happy. I've had them for years and THEY ALL STILL LOOK BRAND NEW! Ceramic coated cast iron I think. Of course I'm a Foodie and I love to cook. Having the best utensils or "tools" helps a lot. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      November 8, 2019 6:31 AM MST

  • 35005
    125 gallon fish tank with wooden stand and setup.  Cost $1500, 20 yrs ago. We still have it but my husband cracked it last winter. He was drilling it to make it easier to clean, drain and refill.  So it does not hold water. We are planning to get a lizard or something to put in it that does not take water.   
      November 7, 2019 1:34 PM MST

  • 113301
    Did you have tropical fish sweetie? Years ago my son had tropical fish tank and I went with a couple of times when visiting (he lived in northern California then before he moved to Honolulu) and I was amazed as the different types and colors of fish. There were some you could not put in there. They'd eat the other fish. It was so beautiful. And oddly our old son Gary who once lived in San Jacinto right next to Hemet used to have reptiles at home. Seriously. They even had a snake. He had about 3 of those dry tanks with lizards in one and honestly it kinda creeped me out. I don't know if reptiles were his ex-wife's delight or his. I never asked. I remember there was a tree-like piece of wood the snake would wrap itself around. Thank you for your reply m2c. Will you ever get another tropical fish tank or too expensive? Happy Friday! :)
      November 8, 2019 6:37 AM MST