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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » In the olden days if you didn't beat them you could join them, step aside for them or join the resistance. No so todayl What then?

In the olden days if you didn't beat them you could join them, step aside for them or join the resistance. No so todayl What then?

If you don't join them you are either incarcerated for life or executed. It's random as to which end you will face. Dependent entirely on who motormouth listens to last. Will he hear "EXECUTE" or "INCARCERATE"? He won't know and neither will you. It all depends. Everyone says so. That I can tell you.

Posted - November 7, 2019


  • 46117
    Well, that opens up a lot of cans of worms.  If you compromise with love and respect, joining would stop world wars.

    If you give up a struggle that puts you on the side of morality, then you NEVER EVER JOIN them.  
      November 7, 2019 9:06 AM MST