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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Remember the letter that Anonymous wrote identifying him/herself as part of the resistance? A book will be out November 19. Gonna buy? Why?

Remember the letter that Anonymous wrote identifying him/herself as part of the resistance? A book will be out November 19. Gonna buy? Why?

Last night some excerpts were read aloud on TV that are horrifying.

This person is still there. Identity unknown. It is a warning of the danger that is heading for us. The mouth is described as CRUEL INEPT DANGEROUS to the nation. Apparently there are others like him/her who are still there trying their best to avoid the disaster mouth creates minutely. One day they won't be able to stop him.

A variety of examples of his wackaddoodle behavior is listed. His inability to grasp simple concepts. His inability to read. He likes to see things on Power Point whatever the he** that is. He likes picture books not books with you know lots of words. He gets distracted very easily. He has no interest in learning about anything. He has to be tricked into paying any attention and veers off into the woods all the time with his helpers/aides pulling him back repeatedly He is described as an uncle running around pantsless wrecking everything in his path and the folks around him running full speed after him trying to minimize the damage. 24/7 that's life in the big house...err, white house. Bedlam.

Erratic loose cannon. Sadly he has power and is like a grenade with the pin pulled. Ya never know when/whom he will strike and how big the explosion will be. Strangely he always survives them but his targets never do.

It sounds as if it will be a very scary read. First person witnessing personal experiencing not second-hand. Can you handle the truth?

Posted - November 8, 2019
